Brett Volume 7: Chapter LXI - St. Leonards 1859
Transcriber’s note
This is a verbatim transcription of Brett’s work, which comprised both manuscript and typescript cuttings - the latter having been previously published in Brett's Gazette some twenty years prior to his compilation of them, and therefore reproduces Brett’s variations in style, capitalisation, punctuation and spelling. The only alterations made have been to the pagination and images whereby both page titles and images have been moved to the most appropriate paragraph as opposed to where they were pasted into the texts by the author. Where possible, personal names have been checked against census, parish records, contemporary newspaper reporting and the Central Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths. A number of footnotes have been inserted by the transcriber when this has been thought to be useful. Generally the transcription follows the guidelines set out by the National Archives. Work is in hand to identify and annotate hand-written sections and other annotations within the transcriptions, the main difference being that hand-written sections are indicated by a Cursive font on screen. If any portions are As with most websites, the texts within this history have keywords (blue text) linked to pages within the wiki dealing with buildings and people from the towns of Hastings & St. Leonards |
Volume 7 - Chapter LXI - St. Leonards 1859
The St.Leonards Commissioners (pg. 85)
Vestry meetings (pg. 87)
St.Leonards Mechanics' Institution (pg. 88)
Archery meetings (pg. 89)
Celestial & Atmospheric Phenomena (pg. 90)
Remarkable Atmospheric changes (pg. 90)
Coast defences (pg. 93)
Accidents etc., (pg. 93)
Dr. Cumming's Lecture (pg. 94)
The Old Town Clock (pg. 102)
Miscellaneous Events (pg. 103)
Imperial Politics (pg. 105).
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The St. Leonards Commissioners
At the Commissioners’ meeting of March 25th, the committee reported that the fire-engine had been exercised and found to be in good order. It was suggested that the subject of the Fire Brigade be taken into consideration at every quarterly meeting.
Mitchell’s tender for ashes, £18, was again accepted.
Half a year’s interest, £272, less income tax, had been paid to the Royal Exchange Corporation.
Bills to be paid were £22 7s. for beaching to Hughes and Hunter, and £39 7s. 8d. for work to drains &c. by the same firm.
Fifty pounds to be paid to Mr. Decimus Burton, balance of cost of drain proposed to be put in by him, the total cost being £60.16s., and £10.2s.8d having been paid by the late Dr. Harwood, as per minutes of Sept. 30th,1850.
Brick footpath at back of 57 to 64 Marina to be repaired, and a new iron drain pipe at a cost of £16, to be put down opposite to 57 Marina.
York-stone pavement to be put down before No. 1 Mercatoria, and the owner to pay half the expense.
The out-let pipe, three feet west of the western extremity of the sea-wall to be repaired, the said pipe having been damaged by the “Perseverence” sloop on the 26th of February, and notice to be given to ship-owners of the existence of such pipe.
A Liberal Offer from Mr. Decimus Burton at the meeting on June 28th was to the effect that as the road and footpath on Maze Hill, leading to the North Lodge was in a bad state, he would contribute 50 guineas towards the expense of stoning the road and re-graveling the footpath. The offer was accepted, and a vote of thanks passed to Mr. Burton for so liberal an offer.
On account of Mr. Painter’s long service and advanced age, it was recommended that someone be appointed to assist him in his now increased duties. It was therefore resolved that Mr. Joseph Yarroll be appointed assistant-collector, and that Mr. Painter allow £10 per annum out of his commission; also that Yarroll enter into a bond of £200 and find four securities of £50 each. The said securities were offered by H.M. Wagner, Esq., Arthur Ogle, Esq., Mr. Newton Parks and W.B. Young.
Other Recommendations of the Committee were adopted as follows: That the rating of 1, St. Clement's Place be reduced from £30 to £25; that the salt-water well be lowered 5 feet and pump lengthened to correspond; that tradesmens trucks and baskets be removed from the front of South Colonnade; that the sea-wall be repaired at the cost of £5; that the [ 86 ]pavement near the East Archway be relaid; that brick pavement east of 48 Marina be repaired; that Mr. Young write to the Local Board of Health, stating that the expense incurred in laying down the sewer to Quarry-hill Road to meet the requirement of the Local Board in the drainage of property out of the Commissioners’ district amounted to £23.15s., and that the Commissioners would allow the Local Board to make use of the sewer on paying two-thirds of the expense and the Commissioners’ annual rate; that Mr. Gant’s offer be accepted to complete the map of St. Leonards for £7, in addition to making a tracing of the whole previously arranged for, altogether £10.
Withdrawal of Letter. Mr. Young reported that he had had an interview with the Clerk of the Local Board since his letter was sent, and was authorised to withdraw the letter.
At the September meeting the business transacted was to pay Mr. Willard £58 for ironmongery, and Hughes and Hunter £83 for paving at the Library and at Maze Hill; to pay £149.12s.6d. for one year’s gas; to order 100 yards of stone for Maze-hill road; and to order the parapet wall at Mount Pleasant to be reduced at an expense of £7.
Commissioners present at the December meeting were Sir Woodbine Parish, A. Burton, Esq., J.H. Cancellor, Esq., G.H.M. Wagner, Esq., Thos. Hunt, Esq., Arthur Burton, Esq. and Mr. John Carey.
Gully gratings were ordered to be put in by the owners of land about the Archery Ground to prevent water running from the local Board district into the town. Mr. A. Burton promised to put one down on his part of the ground, and Mr. Laing also promised to put one down on behalf of the local Board of Health.
Mr. Young’s salary was to be increased to £50 per. an., his services for the past 8 years having been so liberally and faithfully rendered for £30.
John Gammon was appointed parade-keeper in place of Henry Phillips, who was disabled by illness.
The half-yearly Improvement rate at a shilling, was ordered to be levied, as usual.
No more boulders to be taken from the sea-front by Mr. Rodda, not by anyone else, except by payment of 2/6d per waggon-load and 1s. per cart-load.
Sussex House, kept by Ballard, to be assessed at £180, and Sussex Place, also tenanted by Ballard, to be rated at £40.
Weststowe House Stables to be rated at £20 until the road had been taken and properly made by the Commissioners.
Dr. Toulmin’s house, 10 Undercliff, to be rated at £45. [ 87 ]Garden Ground attached to Upland Villas, nos. 1 to 5, to be rated at £4 each, and no. 6 at £10.
Chas. Hall and Hy. French’s houses (19 and 23 East Ascent) to be assessed at £35 each.
Waterworks Bill. The Clerk reported that according to the opinion of the Commissioners expressed at the meeting on the 5th of December he had returned “Dissentient” to the notice served on him by the promoters of a Bill in Parliament for taking powers within the St. Leonards Commissioners’ jurisdiction for the purpose of water works, and he now produced a printed copy of the Act by the promoters, by which it appeared that the parties named as constituting the company were John Banks, John Bishop, Charles Clark, Walter Pell Errington and George Medhurst. It was resolved that the Commissioners do ratify such return of “Dissent” and that Sir Woodbine Parish, Mr. Burton, Mr. Hunt, Mr. Cancellor and Mr. Carey be appointed a committee to recommend to the Commissioners what steps and when to take in reference to the proposed Bill, and that the Clerk be authorised to communicate with a Parliamentary Agent, and to instruct such agent to report from time to time the progress of the Bill, and advise with such agent thereon.
Vestry Meetings – St. Leonards parish
At the meeting of the 29th of March, the overseers nominated were John Peerless, William Hatchman, Emile Grosslob and John Starkie. The Assistant-overseer was William Payne. The Vestry Clerk was John Phillips. The assessors for the Boro’ part were Joseph Yarroll and John Carey; and for the County part, Richard Lamb and John Eldridge. The Surveyors of Highways were William Draper and William Payne. Resolved that the tender of John and Chas. Laing be accepted to map the parish at 4d. per acre, inbounds, and 5d., outbounds; and a duplicate of the maps at 2d. per acre. Eleven parishioners attended the meeting.
A sixpenny rate for the Boro’ part was figured at the vestry meeting on April 9th, as the only business.
A poor-rate for the whole parish at 6d., and a highway rate at 3d. was agreed upon at the October meeting. It was also Resolved that the surveyors take the West-hill extension under their management.
St. Mary Magdalen parish
A poor-rate at 6d. was the only business transacted at the meeting of January 20th, by the two overseers (Messrs. [ 88 ]John Henwood and J.B. Brett) and seven other persons. The meeting was held at the Warriors’ Gate inn, J.H. Job being chairman.
The Vestry meeting on March 25th was held at the Albert Tavern, with Jos. Boston as chairman. The persons named for overseers were John Howell, Chas. Hollebone, Geo. Cuthbert, Wm Callaway and Robt. Hempsted. The assessors for property and income were J Yarroll and C. N. Levett. The Vestry clerk was W.P. Beecham, jun.
A poor-rate at 6d. was agreed to at the meeting held at the Norman hotel on Aug. 11th, the parishioners present being the overseers (John Howell and Chas. Hollebone) and 5 other persons.
The Mechanics’ Institution
At the February quarterly meeting the committee was able to show a more encouraging report, there being 30 additional members, thus bringing the number up to 139. The cash balance due to the Treasurer was about the same, but the outstanding liabilities had been reduced from £15 to about £11. A reading had been given by the Rev. J. A. Hatchard, producing a profit of 47s/6, and a musical entertainment by Messrs. John Skinner, F. Thomson, Baldwin and others, yielding profit of £3 10s. 6d. The Rev. J. H. Blake had delivered a lecture on “Scenes in Foreign Lands” and Mr. Banks had delivered one on Electricity.
At the May quarterly meeting the Report showed the Institution to be much the same, both in the number of members and the financial position. The Rev. J.A Hatchland had presented 24 volumes of valuable books, and J. Rock, jun. had presented Mr. Laing’s new map of the borough. The following lectures had also been gratuitously delivered: “Printed Books” by the Rev. W.T. Marsh; “The Rise and Progress of the British Navy” by Mr. Cheal; the “Literary History of the Bible” by the Rev. J. H. Blake; and “Public Speaking” by J. Inwards, Esq.
The August General meeting showed the financial condition to be pretty much the same as at the preceding meeting, notwithstanding a diminished number of members, which was always the case during the summer. The number fewer in this instance was 13.
At the Annual meeting on the 24th of November, the committee reported an increase of 6 members and a balance due to the Treasurer of £16 10s. After a period of two years, the annual soiree had been renewed, but the weather on that occasion was so extremely boisterous and rainy, that although about 150 persons were present, many others were thus prevented, and there was a loss of [ 89 ]£2 13s.9d. To make good this loss, however, G. Scrivens, Esq. of Hastings gave a guinea, and Messrs. J.S. Cooper and R. Coleman of St. Leonards, contributed £1 each. In consequence of Mr. Nabbs relinquishing the charge of the premises, the committee had decided to let the upper part of the house, the rent of which, with some contemplated curtailment of expenses, it was thought would meet the mortgage interest of £6 per quarter. The Institution would retain the whole of the ground floor, a portion of which would serve for committees and classes, by means of folding doors. Alfred Burton, Esq., was re-elected president for the following year, and the vice-presidents elected were the Rev. A. Hatchard, G.H.M. Wagner, Esq., H. Selmes, Esq., J. Rock, jun., Esq., and Messrs. S. Putland, W.G. Stoneman, R.F. Davis, B. Bickle and W. Hatchman. Mr. T. B. Brett was re-elected treasurer. Mr. S. Putland, jun. and Mr J. Davis were elected secretaries; and Messrs. Gibson and Hatchman auditors.
Archery Meetings
The first meeting of the season was held on Her Majesty’s birthday anniversary and in the proverbial Queen’s weather. It was the 27th year of the Society, and the President, P.F. Robertson, Esq., presented some valuable prizes. The winners were Mdelle D. Szeliski, Mr. Norris and the Rev. W. Parish.
At the second meeting prizes were awarded to Miss Brown and Mr. George Gipps. The date was June 25th.
The Grand Annual Meeting, on the 17th August, was attended by about 500 persons. The competitors who secured prizes were Miss Bramley, Dr. Drozier, Miss Bartleet, Miss Trower, Mr. Burrard, Miss H. Willan and Mr. Maitland.
At the meeting on Sept. 3rd, prizes were won by Miss Ellen Macgregor, Dr. Drozier, Miss Trower, Mr. Norris and Miss Wood.
A bye meeting was held on the 10th of Sept., to shoot for prizes presented by Claude Norris, Esq. The winners were Miss Brown, Miss Parish and Miss Julia Brown.
The last meeting of the season took place on the 1st of October, when prizes were carried off by Miss Brown, Mr. Norris, Miss Pennethorne and Miss Julia Brown.
Horticultural Society
The first exhibition of the year was held in the Subscription Garden, kindly lent, as usual, by Mr. Burton. Kluckner’s Band was in attendance, but the show was not considered to be quite on an average of excellence. The date was June 16th.
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Celestial and Atmospheric Phenomena
An auroral display was witnesses at about midnight of February 23rd, by several persons at Hastings, St. Leonards, Pevensey and other places. The position in the firmament was north-west.
A Magnificent Aurora was observed on the 21st of April, at from 8.30 till a little after 9 p.m. It extended from N.E. to N.W. At the lower part appeared the crown of a white arch, from which shot upwards bright rays of red and yellow, intermingled with streaks of white. The changes were very rapid and almost dazzling. By 10 o’clock all traces of it were lost; but another display occurred a few evenings later, of a less brilliant character.
Another Curious Phenomenon. On the morning of the 19th of April, Mr. Edward Holt observed at 20 minutes past seven an illuminated column in the north-east heavens, of an upright form and advancing towards the sun. At half past seven it had reached the centre of the solar orb, the upper end being above and the lower end below. It was then due east and presented the appearance of a shepherd’s crook. After passing the sun it divided, and took a south-eastern direction, increasing in size, until forming a double curved line, it disappeared at a quarter to eight. Mr. Holt called the attention of several persons to this phenomenon, who said they had never seen anything like it before.
Remarkable Atmospheric Changes and disastrous results. For several days prior to the 28th of October the daily press teemed with notices of the extremely rapid changes in the barometer and thermometer, and the remarkably immediate succession of frost, snow, hail, rain, lightning and thunder. Our own atmospheric variations exhibited quite as diversified circumstances as any observed elsewhere. We had, within three days, the same succession of frost, lightning, thunder, rain, hail and snow, a waterspout and a whirlwind, more snow and rain, and a hurricane in rapid succession. The first marked change in the weather was noticed on Friday morning, Oct. 21st, when a cold, nipping north wind prevailed, and the thermometer during the night on Fairlight Down registered 24 degs (8 degrees of frost), and in the morning stood at 28 degrees from the maximum of the preceding morning. The day was beautifully bright, but on Saturday morning, with a change of wind, with a hoar and hard frost. Another bright day followed, succeeded by a thunderstorm of three hours’ duration. On Saturday night, some of the Hastings fishing-boats were in a position of extreme danger, as being in close proximity of a large water-spout. Sunday morning came with pelting showers of rain and snow, the latter accumulating in a thick layer during the afternoon. Monday morning brought another rime frost, followed [ 91 ] by heavy rain, hail and snow, and, at 3 p.m., a whirlwind which, at Caroline Place and Denmark Place, scattered some pleasure skiffs in different directions, one of them being blown over a capstan. The boats belonging to Richard Nash, Henry Curtis, George Dunn and others, were all more or less damaged. The wind also took up a large pool of water on the sands and carried it completely away. Lightning and thunder occurred again in the afternoon, and the wind twice boxed the compass. It was said that no such extraordinary vagaries had been witnessed since 1836. The gale on Tuesday night increased from the S.E. to hurricane strength, and its equal, it was thought, had not been experienced for at least 17 years. The sea in all directions was in a seething commotion. With the flow of the tide the water rolled in with irresistible force, and some time before high-water, the waves dashed over the parades, beach-embankments and every other barrier. The western ends of Pelham street and Harold-place, were submerged after ten o’clock, the water reaching within twenty feet the roadway at York Buildings. The Queen’s Hotel works were also inundated, and for three hours the houses at Caroline place, Beach Cottages, Denmark place and East parade were unapproachable. George street and West street were flooded by the water pouring through the several inlets from the front, and an indescribably grant sight presented itself in the mountainous waves which fell against and upon the whole range of the parade walls from the western end of St. Leonards to the East parade at Hastings. Any personal approach thereto was extremely dangerous, the shingle and pieces of rock conveyed by the waves bidding defiance to such an attempt. On some parts of the parades and roads the beach accumulated to a height of two or three feet. The basements of the West-Marina houses were flooded, and at the Colonnade one or two supper tables were cleared of their contents. At the eastern end of the old town there was great excitement and bustle in getting the fishing-boats to the highest point possible from the sea, whilst gangs of labourers were engaged in removing every portable article to places of safety. A deplorable state of ruin presented itself on Wednesday morning. Boats had been blown over and stove in, the works for the new drain at East parade had been much damaged, the parade walls at Stratford-place and Eversfield-place were broken down, hoardings and fences blown over, and chimney-stacks displaced. The unsightly hoarding at the Convent was levelled to the ground, and the Ecclesbourne Coastguard station was no longer tenantable. The Pett Levels were inundated, and the families at 36 Martello Tower [ 92 ]had to be taken away in carts. The sluice at Bopeep was also overrun, the embankment leading to 39 Tower broken down, and communication cut off. Also at Bopeep, the family living in a little cottage on the land side of the haven had to be taken off by means of a boat, and a loss sustained by the drowning of their pigs. Two vessels were wrecked eastward of Rye, and somewhere near Pevensey, the sea flooded the sluice stream in such a manner as to break down about 300 yards of the South-coast railway. But the greatest calamity of that memorable gale was the wreck of the Royal Charter at Bangor and the loss of more than 400 persons.
A severe Gale and High-tide also visited Hastings and St. Leonards on the 23rd of January of the same year. It occurred, as many others have done on a Sunday. Many persons were blown down at St. Leonards, whilst at Hastings, the streets in the vicinity of East parade and the Fishmarket were impassable. Fishing-boats and ferry-boats were drawn up into the pathways and inlets, and the Jane, a dandy-rigged vessel, belonging to the Messrs. Kent of Hastings, was driven ashore at Romney.
Other Maritime Casualties. Another of the Messrs. Kent’s vessels – a collier, named the “William”, having been detained several days by adverse winds, collided, on the 4th of February with the “Rock Scorpion” off St. Leonards, breaking her jibboom and tearing her mainsail.
The Peseverence, also a collier, while getting off at St. Leonards, after discharging her cargo, broke her hawser, and was driven broadside onto the beach, but sustained comparatively slight damage. This was on the 30th of January, just a week after the severe gale.
Four Men Drowned. On the 17th of January, five men having been sent off from the coastguard station at Pevensey with condemned stores to the tender Active, returned for the shore in broken water, and were drowned through the capsizing of the boat, all except one, who was heroically saved with great difficulty by Lieut. Mansel, who stripped and waded a quarter of a mile in the surf. The bodies of three of the men were afterwards recovered, and were interred in the churchyard at Little Common. The remains of the fourth man, some weeks later, were found by a shrimper at Hastings. The name of the unfortunate man was William Brickell and, curious to say he was born at the Hastings Coastguard station opposite to where the body was found, his father at the time of the accident being chief-boatman at the Bridport station in Dorsetshire.
The Perseverence was another vessel which got stranded in St. Leonards in the same manner as the one above. This was a vessel belonging to the Messrs. Hoad, of Rye, and on the 26th [ 93 ]of March, after discharging 50 tons of coal at the West Marina for Mr. John Austin, the wind freshened, and after heaving off the vessel, the hawser snapped, as in the previous case, and the rudder got unshipped. The sloop was then carried broadside on to the beach, and her starboard side broke away. About ten tons of coal still left in the hold washed along the beach. The crew were saved, but not their clothes.
Coast Defences
Great Activity was going on in the month of March in the mounting of 68 pounder guns, weighing 96 cwt. on the Martello Towers between St. Leonards and Galley Hill, and between Bexhill and Pevensey. Preliminary official enquiries were also being made in the matter of erecting a battery at St. Leonards, and one also on the lower hill at the back of Government House, the latter building being the site of a battery that existed in the 18th century.
Sixty-eight Pounders, 27 in number, were conveyed by rail from Woolwich arsenal during the first week in March to Eastbourne, and 20 of the same calibre, with tackle and stores, to Newhaven.
Shot and Shell, with other munitions of war, made up a heavy train in the first week in May, from Woolwich to Bopeep and Bulverhithe for defence of the coast. At a later date, detachments of garrison artillery were sent down to man the Towers from Dover to Hastings.
Accidents and Fatalities
A Coroner’s Inquest was held at the Infirmary on the 18th April on the body of Peter Rowland, a carter, who had been knocked down and run over in the London road by a runaway horse and cart, belonging to Mr. Edmund Strickland, and driven by his nephew, Samuel Waghorne, butcher, of Norman Road – Verdict “Accidental”.
John Stephen Butler, a boy of 13, the son of a flyman, on the 19th of March, rode a horse sharply round the Eversfield corner into Warrior Square, when the horse slipped and the boy was thrown down, causing concussion of the brain, from which he died. (Hastings accidents are noticed in next chapter).
Child Murders
On the 1st of March, a well-dressed male child was the subject of a coroner’s inquest. It had been found by Edward Kenward, a labourer, in a well at 7 Cross street. Dr. A. H. Marks, who made a post-mortem examination, believed the child was about 3 months old, that it had been well clothed and fed, and that it had lain in the water ten or more days. The house was untenanted, [ 94 ]and there was no trace of the murderer, although £50 was offered by the Secretary of State for any information that would lead to conviction.
Another Inquest was held on the 28th of March, the subject in this case being also a male child, newly born, and discovered in a basket under a hedge in Deudney’s field by two boys who were searching for birds’ nests. A post-mortem by Mr. A. J. Wilson showed that the child was a full-grown infant, with the mark of a ligature round the neck. In this case also a verdict of murder by some person unknown was recorded, and £50 was offered by Government, but without result. There were reasons for supposing that both crimes had been committed by strangers.
Lecture on the Apocalypse
On the afternoon of the 16th of November, the Rev. Dr. Cumming delivered in the St. Leonards Assembly Room his promised lecture on the Apocalypse. As in his first lecture, reported in the St. Leonards Gazette, the room was filled to overflowing, one of the side- rooms, as well as the orchestra being put into requisition to accommodate such as were not able to obtain seats in the large room. The chair was occupied by Charles H. Frewen, Esq., who commenced the proceedings with a few introductory remarks.
Dr. Cumming commenced his address with an allusion to some misrepresentations of the press touched upon in his previous lecture. These stated that he had predicted the end of the world in 1867, a statement which he said was not true. He believed, however, that great changes were at hand, and that the day would come when there would be read in the Times newspaper the startling phenomenon of the assembling of the Jews in Jerusalem. He believed also that the end of the Papacy was drawing nigh. The Pope was a good old bachelor, but his temporal and spiritual power was rapidly declining, and his days were numbered. Howsoever people might sneer and scoff at the subject, and whatsoever may be said as to the time and the end of the present dispensation, the lecturer contended that his duties to his God, to his country and to his family were not to be determined by these considerations. Whatever duties God had designed for him, those he would endeavour to fulfil, even were it the sweeping of a crossing.
The reverend lecturer then proceeded to explain the meaning of the word Apocalypse, intimating to his audience that they must pardon him if for his purpose of diffusing information he assumed [ 95 ]them to be unacquainted with its interpretation. It was a word, he observed often confounded with the word Apochrypha – a word of similar sound, but of the totally different meaning. The word apocalypse meant to make known what was not clear – a revelation – a something made manifest or revealed. It was plain that the last book, the revelation as it was called, meant something that instead of being inscrutable and that no man could penetrate, must be a revelation of that which was hidden, and that therefore possibly could be understood. It would be an unpardonable thing if he (the lecturer) were to find fault with another church – a church whose bishops were chosen from the best of all its ministers, yet he did regret that they had no lessons from the Apocalypse. The very preface of the book of Revelation invited them to read it, and he thought as a revelation it should not be shut out of the New Testament, which was the peoples’ book, but to be read as inspired by the Spirit of God. First of all, they read that John was banished to be isle of Patmos; and it was in his prison at Patmos that he saw those brilliant scenes and visions which were recorded for our advantage. The first of the Apocalypse was an address to the seven churches; and he did not know of anything more instructive than the lessons contained in that address – comforting one, warning another, strengthening a third, animating a fourth, each receiving a lesson appropriate to the circumstances in which the churches were placed, and having a more catholic bearing to the church in all ages. But when the apostle came to speak of the future, he made use of a series of hieroglyphics; for, if the future was just as plain as the past, responsibility would cease, exertions would be given up, and man would lose the most important animating motive by which he was strengthened and sustained. But whilst God had not made the future so plain as the past, He had, nevertheless not made it entirely impenetrable; for, if the future were impenetrable there would be nothing to cheer and stimulate us to look forward to be day when suns should set and rise no more. Of the truth of the Bible he needed no conviction; that which gave us history the most ancient was too clear and intelligible to permit him to doubt of its truth; but of that which related to the future there was not light enough given to render responsibility and effort altogether vain; and they must therefore not expect the same clearness as they would in regard to the past. There was much that was obscure – much that was difficult to understand. He would have them mark the thought how at the present [ 96 ]time was being fulfilled the prophecy which said “Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased”. The nearer they approached the culminating end the clearer would they see the things revealed.
There were three classes of men – continued the lecturer – who believed in the Apocalypse; one who believed it to have been fulfilled in the days of Nero and Domitian, but of this there were very few; another, that the whole of the Apocalypse remained to be fulfilled, and that all the prophesies of that book would be crowded into the space of a few years at the close of the present dispensation; and others, like himself, who believed that a portion had been fulfilled and the remainder rapidly drawing to a consummation. This, he thought was being made clearer and clearer. It appeared to him that the Apocalypse was a prospective history written in symbols, but symbols that had keys to unlock or decipher them; and which gave us, not a perfect apprehension of all that was to transpire, but such a view as would convince us that Christ’s church was not the church of a mere nook, but a church of the wide, wide world; and that the mighty force brought to play against the battlements of the church of Christ should, at the end, fall powerless at its foundation – that Christ should be exalted King of kings and Lord of lords.
The reverend lecturer then explained these symbols, 21 in number, as containing the whole prospective history of that which was to take place from John’s time until the new Jerusalem should come like the bride adorned for the bridegroom. They were divided into three classes, the seven seals, seven symbolic trumpets, and seven vials; and, as was demonstrated by the Rev. E. Elliott, these sets of symbols drew out from one another like a telescope; that was to say, the whole of the seven trumpets were included in the last of the seven seals, and the whole of the seven vials in the last of the seven trumpets. These symbols began with the description of seven horses of different colours. The first was described as a white horse, the rider of which had a bow and a crown, and he went forth conquering and to conquer; the second was a red horse, and power was given to him that sat thereon “to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another, and there was given to him a great sword”. From 185 to 220 civil wars raged and blood flowed in all directions. The next was a black horse, and was accompanied with a voice which said “a measure of wheat for a penny [ 97 ]and three measures of barley for a penny”, indicating a state of famine; and the facts completely justified this explanation. The pale horse, whose rider was Death, followed, and was accompanied by Hell, which last word, he need not tell them, did not always mean a place of torment, but Hades, or, according to the Saxon term, a hole or grave. And power was given to them to kill the fourth part of the earth with sword and hunger. This described a state of plague, super added to the other calamities; and Mr. Elliott had shown with irresistible force by referring to an historian not prejudiced in favour of Christianity, but an infidel – Gibbon, that most wicked and unsanctified historian, that the facts answered to those symbols. The lecturer asked his hearers to read this historian and judge of these facts for themselves. The infidel writer thus unconsciously and unsuspectingly added his testimony to the truth of those prophesies in which he did not believe. After the seven seals there were the seven trumpets, which contained the prospective history of that total destruction and desolation of the Roman power. The study of these prophecies with the facts as recorded by history was most interesting and instructive and showed again how unconsciously the historian added his testimony to the fact that God’s word was truth. When Constantine embraced Christianity, its followers had no longer to remain in the dens and caves of the earth, and its ministers were no longer persecuted men. It at once leaped into the sunshine of royal favour. Its worship was conducted in the basilikas, beautiful churches and gorgeous cathedrals, and its ministers were raised to the dignity of princes. But the idolatry became so fearful that it was not wonderful that judgement came upon them. The lecturer said it might be his Scottish ignorance, but he had always had an impression that a church required no adornment with pictures and images. The only pictures he would place on the walls were texts of Scripture, and the only image he would have was the Word of God. He had shown in his former lecture the high probability that the first vial began to be poured out in 1792 or 1793, when the beast, the little horn came under the judgement of God – when the system that had so long been dominant and unopposed came to be gradually consumed, previous to its utter destruction at the advent of our blessed Lord. If they would read the account of the outpourings of the seven vials in the 16th chapter of the Apocalypse, and then the history of Allison, whose style, though [ 98 ]not so brilliant as that of Macaulay (who sometimes sacrificed history to brilliant antitheses), nevertheless presented a striking and truthful panorama of events before them, they would see that in the narrative of events which had taken place since 1791, there was a striking account of the effects produced by each vial as it was poured out. They would feel as they were reading Allison that they were reading a fulfilment, exact and full, of each prediction and each symbol until they came down to those that were now within their own experience. They must recollect that each vial ran into the other; one was not exhausted when the other began. Let them take the sixth vial, which was poured out on the river Euphrates. What did that mean? It was on the banks of that river that the Turkish power started on its victorious march to Constantinople. The Euphrates was then Turkey in Europe, and the drying up of that river implied that the instant that judgement was pronounced, the Crescent would begin to wane. In 1821 or 1822, just when the 2,300 days of Daniel’s prophecy concerning the sacrifice expired and the extra 30 days added to the 1260 days of his last prophecy, they found that the Turkish power was undisturbed; it was in full possession of the sovereignty, and in the greatness of its power. No ,sooner was the vial poured out in 1821, than the Greek insurrection took place, the janaseries were destroyed, and province after province broke loose from the Turkish power. At the present moment, notwithstanding the support of the powers of France and England, the existence of the Turkish power was a question of months – not of years. The Western powers in tending the sick man, only made him more sick, and the question was now to be asked, Who should have his shoes and his house when he was dead? And the enquiry would come up Who was to have Palestine? They knew that the rightful owner were the Jews; it was theirs by promise, theirs by title; and the cries they had heard “Ireland for the Irish”, “France for the French” and, still later “Italy for the Italians”, would be changed into “Palestine for the Jews”.
After showing more at length the deplorable condition of the Turkish power at this time, the lecturer contended that it was clearly identical with the river Euphrates, a view which, he said was corroborated by the text “to prepare the way for the Kings of the East”, by which, according to the interpretation of the best commentators, the Jews were clearly meant. It was under this vial that the three unclean spirits, like frogs, [ 99 ]went out of the mouth of the dragon to deceive the nations of the earth, and to gather the people together for the last great war, as the word “polemos” should be properly rendered. Could they fail to have observed that some strange spirits had gone abroad? And it was worthwhile to mark that the ancient arms of France was not a tricolour or fleur de lis, but three frogs; and Mr. Elliott assumed that the three unclean spirits were in some way connected with the French propaganda, and with the part France was to play in the last great tragedy. And what was the state of France at the present moment. Let them look at the recent conflict in Italy, and without doing him an injustice or charging him with being unfaithful to his alliance, it was easy to see that the Emperor’s great programme was much the same as that of his uncle, and that he was striving to realise the “idée Napolienne”. What were the apprehensions arising in men’s minds? It was a time of solemn warning, but he believed that England’s star was not yet set. With all her sins and all her faults, she was worthy of our love. Whenever she was attacked there would be found some worthy successors of Nelson and of Collingwood, and England would rise more than ever triumphant from the conflict.
Dr. Cumming then passed in review the pouring out of the other vials as having been fulfilled by the dethronement of the Pope in 1809, and the subsequent drying up of the Euphratees, which was followed by one calamity after another until in that quarter of the world the deaths exceeded the births. The Turkey-Moslem power was shown to be declining by the fact of there being 9,000,000 Christians to 3,000,000 Mahometans. The lecturer, continuing, said he did not prophesy, but he was of the opinion that the Mediterranean would become a French lake, and that Russia would possess herself of Turkey. But whatever happened, we ought not to neglect our duties, but to be in a state of preparation for the worst? All Europe seemed to be arousing and preparing for some at present unknown conflict; and all these signs seemed to show that the three unclean spirits had gone forth to deceive the Kings of the earth, and to gather them together to the last war of the almighty God. Then let them notice the context “Behold I come as a thief”. Our blessed Lord was to come unexpectedly whilst the world was proclaiming “all things continue as they were”. He (the lecturer) believed that the 7th vial was begun to be poured out in 1848. They read that “there was a great earthquake, such as there had not been since men were on the earth, so mighty [ 100 ]and so great”. And let any person read the account of the great convulsion of 1848, and he would ask them if any more fitting description could be given of those mighty movements than that of a great earthquake? They would find there had not been such a convulsion for many hundred years, and that its effects spread deeper and wider than that of 1793. They read that “the seventh vial was poured out into the air”. One of the vials was poured out upon the earth, another upon the sea, and a third upon the rivers, etc. But this in the air was suggestive of its universality; and, looking at the facts, they would find that during the last ten years they had the cholera in its most fearful form. He would say that the visitation in 1848 and 1849 of that horrible disease was not exceeded in force and fury by the worst epidemic of the middle ages. And since the great “earthquake” in 1848 there had been a series of vibrations and visitations, among which, in addition to the cholera, were the potato blight and the new disease known as diptheria. If they would look around they would see abundant evidence that the 7th vial was being poured out.
The reverend gentleman next expressed his belief that our established churches would be destroyed; he did not wish it, but he believed it would be, and he intimated that the abolition of church rates and tithes, the throwing open of cathedrals and the extempore preaching of a Bishop in Exeter Hall might be regarded as a sign of the times. The Scotch Church had already broken up; and so far from being deplored, immense good had resulted from it. He regretted that the limits of a lecture prevented his entering more largely into an explanation of the Apocalypse, but as he had been invited to lecture in Hastings, he would there have an opportunity of stating his views more fully.
Referring to the position of the Pope, Dr. Cumming observed that there were more curses on those who meddled with St. Peter’s patrimony – the Pope’s temporal power, than with his dogmas; and yet a great shock had been given by the French Emperor to the Pope’s temporalities, and the cardinals were seriously discussing the propriety of his Holiness taking up his See in Jerusalem, Rome being too hot for him. He believed that the French Emperor, so far as his own wishes were concerned, would willingly see the Pope at the bottom of the sea; but he was compelled to conciliate the priesthood of France. Before closing his lecture Dr. Cum[ 101 ]ming said that it was the opinion of some persons that there would be a tripartite division of the ten papal kingdoms, and that all Europe would be divided into three hostile camps. Tribulation would seem to be the mark of God’s people on earth, and those who were free from it might call in question their religion. We read that the Apostle saw a great multitude, which came out of great tribulation, and the lecturer believed that the great tribulation referred to had yet to be endured in these last days. Suppose then, he further observed, that the year 1859 was the beginning of great troubles, and that 1867 was to be a year of some grand change, it mattered not to what church we belonged if we were true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. His only fear was for them who were careless about their souls. When the thunder’s peal and the lightning’s flash warned that the time had arrived, those who were prepared would have it said of them “These are they who came out of great tribulation”.
The reverend Doctor concluded his lecture with a brief appeal on behalf of the Protestant Home Missions and resumed his seat amidst a burst of applause. The money collected at the door amounted to £20, which, added to the previous collection, made nearly £36.
Dr. Cumming’s lectures on prophecy were always well attended, as much, perhaps, for his quiet but fascinating style of oratory as for the particular topics themselves. One peculiarity of the present lecture was that the audience were more than ever numerous and attentive, and another peculiarity was one which arose from the first. The present writer, not expecting to find the large room and side-room crowded even before the lecturer commenced was unable to push his way to a table near the platform, and was constrained to ascend the stairs from the vestibule to the orchestra, to which other persons were also being admitted. There being no window in that gallery, the place was almost dark, and the front chairs even there being already occupied there seemed to be nothing for the disappointed reporter to do but to stand behind and listen or to pocket his note-book and walk away. To his surprise, however, in turning round with his face to the wall and his back to the lecturer (who was at the opposite end of the long room), every word was distinctly heard as though reflected by the said wall. In an instant the note-book was held against the wall, and notwithstanding that the place was in semi-darkness, a report was [ 102 ]produced in the St. Leonards Gazette which rather astonished some of the persons who saw under what difficulties it was managed, Mr. Jacob, a St. Leonards organist, being among the number. Sitting as they did in front of the reporter, they did not realise the fact that he had discovered by accident acoustical properties peculiar to that part of the building.
An Improved Clock
To Mr. Aaron Sellman, of St. Leonards, was confided the work of giving to the old-town clock, in High Street, illuminated dials, and after the clock had been replaced there appeared in the Hastings News of May 13th, 1859, two effusions, to the authors of which apologies are here tendered for the present new versions.
“A New Song to an Old Tune”
“Hickory, dickory dock!
Sellman has put up the clock;
The faces are white and the figures are bright,
Hickory, dickory dock!
“Hickory, dickory dock!
It’s now such a good looking clock;
So people all say, as they pass on their way
Hickory, dickory dock!
“Hickory, dickory dock!
We’re glad we’ve got back the old clock;
With quite a new face it is back in its place;
Hickory, dickory dock!”
Another Ditty
“Hurrah for our old friend, the Town Clock!
That which to St. Leonards has been;
All hail to our friend, the Town Clock!
In High Street again to be seen.
“Twas thought that it Sellman had sold,
Or put the old thing up the spout;
But now it no longer looks old;
Its clapper too, clearly, speaks out.
“Some thought we all were done brown-
That the works had been sold for old brass;
But back is the clock in the town,
Quite plain to all persons who pass
“We know that ourselves, when as boys,
How loved we its jolly old face;
For when it struck nine with a noise,
To school we set of in a race
Last week single “x” wrote a ditty,
Now “Double x” ventures a stave
To Sellman in praise more than pity,
For clearly the man is no knave.
We’ll know when to leave for excursion,
Our schoolboys will see when to start;
And dare I to make the assertion
Our girls will know when to look smart.
Yea! when to put on their best dresses,
Their hats and their crinolines, too;
And those who are proud of their tresses
To coiffer or otherwise do.
The opposite Mayor, Will Ginner,
The clock, now it’s put in its place
May view as he sits at his dinner,
The figures in gold on its face.
And view it will Glenister proudly,
As out from the station he looks,
Or hears the time struck from it loudly
While conning his constables’ book
The clock from within is now lighted
And shows us the time, day and night:
And surely we all are delighted
The Council for once has done right.
We hail our old friend in his place
Now more than was hitherto famed;
Though puts him his hands ‘fore his face
He needs to be never ashamed.
A Sellman has managed the trick
Of turning the old into new:
So “Double x” calls him a “Brick”
And gives him the praise to him due
(See page 109 for Town Council discussion on this matter)
A Rare Bird, Crex Pusilla, (the Little Crake) was captured near St. Leonards, on the 15th of April, and afterwards preserved by Mr. Robert Kent, naturalist, of 13 London road.
The Batchelors Ball, for the 29th year, took place in the St. Leonards Assembly Rooms on the 2nd of February, attended by 170 of the elite of the town and neighbourhood.
The Rite of Confirmation was, on the 9th of May, administered to 250 young persons at St. Mary Magdalen’s; and on the 10th, to 300 at St. Clement’s. [ 104 ]Gin at 4d per gallon. In the month of February, a cask of gin (106 gallons) was washed ashore at St. Leonards. From the brands and the low proof strength of the spirit, it was supposed to have been washed ashore from a vessel. It was afterwards offered for sale by auction at the Rye Custom House. No offer could be obtained for it for home consumption, and after a languid bidding it was knocked down to Mr. R. Kent at 4d per gallon for exportation. Similar casks had been washed ashore at Rottingdean and Rye.
The “Victoria and Albert” (royal steam yacht) passed St. Leonards and Hastings on the 31st of May, at a short distance off and remained in sight a considerable time, while conveying Princess Frederick William back to Prussia.
“Old Mike” (or Michael Hamilton) the well-known half-crazy, half-witty match-vendor and excruciating fifeist, died in the Hastings Union at the age of 58, but having more the appearance of a man of 78. The present writer knew the “Old Mike” when he itinerated from town to town with his mother, making the horrible screeching noise on an old fiddle as he afterwards did on a fife. Many curious anecdotes could be told of this begging but not dishonest wanderer.
Petitions: A petition from these towns against the Government Reform Bill was presented to the House of Commons by Mr. North on March 21st. A week later, both the Liberal and Conservative members (North and Robertson) presented petitions from the St. Leonards parochial school, the Hastings Mechanics’ Institution and the Croft-Chapel school against the Local Assessment Abolition Bill. On the 1st of April Mr. Robertson presented a petition from St. Leonards against the Bill for the Better Regulation of Endowed Schools. Also from Bodiam for the repeal of the Hop Duty.
A Reminder and Suggestion. A visitor reminded the public that the 14th of October would be the anniversary of the battle of Hastings, and suggested a meeting at Battle on that day to commemorate the birthday of King Harold.
Gunpowder Plot. On the 5th of November the usual torch-light procession in Hastings had its lights repeatedly blown out by the wind, but the St. Leonards was wisely postponed until Monday the 7th, when favoured with better weather the procession turned out in gorgeous array under the title of “Bonfire Boys”, with a band of music and a huge effigy of Commissioner Yeh.
Collections On Sept. 11th, at St. Leonards Church £30 was collected for the Sunday’s third service. On the 18th of November, the Bishop of Brisbane lectured in the St. Leonards Assembly Room, and obtained in collections and donations for the [ 105 ]spiritual wants of his diocese. On the 27th of Nov., sermons preached in the St. Leonards Church realised £31 for the Jews Christianity Society. After the drowning of the four preventuremen at near Pevensey a collection for their widows and families was set on foot and realised £300.
Imperial Politics, locally viewed
Referring to Mr. North’s speech at the Borough Election (see next chapter) Mr. Montgomery, of St. Leonards, with the signature of “S. Leonardensis”, wrote to the Hastings News as follows: “Our worthy member, as everyone knows who enjoys his acquaintance, is a very pleasant facetious person, who likes a sly joke occasionally (small blame to him say I), and I think he must have been indulging in the bent of his humour when he ventured to speak of the olden time when ministers would have been impeached for dissolving Parliament under such circumstances as we have just witnessed. Backed by the approving voice of the House of Peers, and of the property, education and respectability of the country, as contra-distinguished from mere numbers, with the full and hearty consent of the Sovereign, as well as in the conscientious discharge of a public duty, ministers who had accepted office under circumstances of peculiar difficulty, determined to dissolve a House of Commons that had been elected under the influence of their opponents on a sham issue, and which by the factious and temporary combination of discordant elements, had succeeded in bringing public business to a deadlock. Under these circumstances, I believe the dissolution to have been? perfectly conformable to constitutional law and practice, nor will I do the Queen the injustice to believe that any ministry, Whig or Tory, will ever be able to coerce her into aiding and abetting an unconstitutional act, much less one deserving impeachment. As to the defunct House of Commons itself, taken in the concrete, there certainly was no cry of wailing and lamentation in the land at its decease. Sir J. Pakington was too complimentary when he called it a china house made to be broken. It was very ordinary earthenware, and of the earth, earthy, in the full force of that expression. Could a Palmerstonian Parliament be otherwise? But let us assume for the moment that the late dissolution was a high crime and misdemeanour, deserving impeachment; then I say, on the strength of the logical axiom causa causae, causa causati, Lord John Russell and Lord Palmerston’s sayings were the cause of the dissolution – ergo, Lord John Russell and Lord Palmerston were the authors of the dissolution, D.E.D. With regard [ 106 ]to the particular time of the dissolution on which Mr. North lays so much stress, the Ministry having declared the alternative of suicide or submission kindly suggested to them by those disinterested persons, Lord John Russel and Lord Palmerston, respectively, and the dissolution having been forced on by the act of the Opposition, it was obvious that there was no choice of times and seasons at their command; and, more than that, Mr. North knows as well as I do, that statesmen of all parties have ever held that, pending delicate and difficult negociations, it is for the public advantage that the executive should not be hampered and compromised by the indiscreet interference by friends or foes. Indeed, no one pretends that if Austria, France and Sardinia had gone to war during the recess, Parliament would have been called together in consequence. It is transparent therefore, that Mr. North’s real objection is not that there should be no Parliament sitting at this crisis, but that his own party should not be in power during the interval, whilst I, on the contrary, consider it a blessed thing for the country that our strenuous armaments have not been interrupted even for a day, and that we have had Pakington and Peel, vice Wood and xxxxxxx, even if it should be for a month. I see, with regret, that the elation of recent triumph has caused our worthy Member to o’erstep the usual modesty of his nature. He has come our regular bumptious, but I would remind him in all humility that there are two states of mind appropriate to two different conditions – one for him who buckles on his armour before the combat, and one for him who takes it off after the victory. In a country like this, which holds together as it were, by the two principles – credit and compromise – ‘war to the knife’ is a dangerous and unwise cry; that knife is a two-edged weapon, and may chance to cut the fingers of him who may attempt to use it…..I have reason to believe that ‘Froggy’ [a metaphor employed by Mr. North] will be supported by a noble band of independent members whose watchword is ‘Old England and fair-play, first, and party afterwards’”
“May 18th 1859” “S. Leonardensis”
(Other correspondence re Mr. North will be found in the next chapter)
A Royal Visit
Her Royal Highness, Princess Frederica of Hanover visited Mrs. Taylor, of 65 Eversfield Place, and afterwards went to look at 5 & 6 Breeds Place, where her father, the late King of Hanover, and her grandfather and grandmother (the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland) resided in 1832-3. She also went over the old Castle, the Ladies swimming bath and the Pier, and after expressing her pleasure at what she had seen, she drove through St. Leonards and took train at the West Marina station for London.
References & Notes
Transcribed by Jenny Pain