Manuscript History of Hastings and St. Leonards Vol 2
Index to Contents of Volume Two 1835-40
Chapter Thirteen: St.Leonards 1835 Page 118
More difficulties with the sea-defences - No money to be had (pg. 118)
Complaints of tradesmen – Arrangement for the new Poor-Law Act (pg. 118)
Mr. Burton's new road and the Harrow Road (pg. 118)
Rapid coach travelling to London (pg. 119)
More about the royal visit (pg. 119)
Anecdote of the gift shilling[1] and the "Queen’s” shilling[2] (pg. 119)
Victoria prizes to the Archery Society (pg. 119)
Death of Anna Maria Cooper (pg. 119)
Reminiscences of the libraries, shops and a banking company, when, from Commercial Road to the Battery was more a place of business and fashionable resort than George Street (pg. 119)
Celebration of the sixth decade of Queen Victoria's life, and a review of the period (pg. 118)
Destructive gales and loss of property (pg. 120)
St.Leonards Officials in 1835 (pg. 120)
Visits of the "Dover Boder" (pg. 120)
Death of the Patriarchal Pauper, widow Palmer, Mr. John Harwood, and Mr. Henry Sinden (pg. 120)
Reminiscences and death of 'Jerry' Lulham (pg. 121)
More of the Poor Law Act of 1834 (pg. 121)
The Whyborn family. A family of paupers (pg. 122)
Old-time system of relief (pg. 122)
Enormous parochial burthens (pg. 122)
Handbell ringing at weddings (pg. 122)
A remarkably unpropitious year (pg. 122)
The new Poor Law and establishing of Union-houses (pg. 123)
Local arrangements and beneficial effects (pg. 123)
The Government evictions (pg. 123)
Mismanagement of Crown lands (pg. 123)
The exodus to St.Leonards (pg. 123)
Construction of new road (pg. 124)
A race a la GILPIN (pg. 124).
Chapter Fourteen: Hastings 1835 Page 125
Parliamentary election and its amenities in 1835 (pg. 125)
Open houses and lavish expenses (pg. 125)
Amusing episodes (pg. 125)
Tricking the tricksters (pg. 126)
Results of the polling (pg. 125)
Rejoicings and despondencies (pg. 125)
Enormous cost to the candidates (pg. 125)
Bribery and corruption under the new regime (pg. 125)
Electioneering frolics (pg. 126)
Rival candidates for the mayoralty and strong party feeling (pg. 126)
Passing of the Municipal Corporations Act (pg. 126)
The borough divided into two wards-Constitution of the first Town Council (pg. 127)
Public dinners severally to North, Elphinstone and Brisco (pg. 127)
Excitement on the resignation of Peel (pg. 127)
North unpopular with the Radicals (pg. 128)
Political trickery (pg. 128)
Transactions of the new Corporation (pg. 129)
Parochial meetings, etc (pg. 130).
Chapter Fifteen: St.Leonards 1836 Page 131
Formation of new roads (pg. 131)
Removal of Coastguard station (pg. 131)
Erection of the Union Workhouse (pg. 131)
Grand Jury's presentments (pg. 131)
Imperial matters and local associations (pg. 131)
Mr. Elphinstone's successful efforts (pg. 131)
Storms, floods, damaged walls and tenantless houses (pg. 131)
Purchase of the Swan Hotel by Mr. Eldridge and his removal from the Saxon (pg. 133)
Royal presentations to the Archery Society (pg. 133)
The overseers summonsed (pg. 133)
Houses already erected between the Archway and the priory (pg. 134)
St. Leonards Regatta (pg. 134)
The November hurricane (pg. 131)
The unparalleled snow storm (pg. 135).
Chapter Sixteen: Hastings 1836 Page 138
Imperial matters (pg. 137)
The Irish question (pg. 137)
Duties on paper and newspaper stamps reduced (pg. 137)
Harmonics at the Swan Hotel (pg. 137)
St Clements Church and its associations (pg. 138)
Asking for pleasure grounds at the Priory, and the reply: also criticism thereon (pg. 138)
The Court of Record and Quarter Sessions (pg. 139)
Report of Finance Committee (pg. 139)
The Charities again examined (pg. 140)
The Watch Committee's "report re the establishing a police force (pg. 140)
Abandonment of 73 Corporation rents (pg. 141)
Election of Aldermen and Councilmen. The stonebeach dispute (pg. 141)
Proposal for a harbour (pg. 139)
Political squibs (pg. 141)
Capt. Daniel's death (pg. 142)
Marvelous achievement of two sailor-boys during the great snowstorms (pg. 142).
Chapter Seventeen: St.Leonards 1837 Page 143
The Subscription Garden (with view, 1830) The prolonged winter (pg. 144)
Deaths of Mr. & Mrs. Burton and their last surviving daughter (pg. 144)
500 years history of influenza (pg. 144)
The harbour project (pg. 145)
Mr. North unpopular with the Radicals (pg. 145)
Proposed Act for St. Mary Magdalen (pg. 145)
List of inhabitants (pg. 146)
The Tivoli Tavern (pg. 147)
Amusing anecdotes (pg. 147)
Memoirs of Mr.S.Putland (pg. 147)
Houses brought from the Priory (pg. 148)
Grand Archery meeting (pg. 154)
Presentation at Coghurst Hall (pg. 155)
A violent hurricane and its effects (pg. 155)
An organ from the Church (pg. 156)
The Infirmary scheme (pg. 156)
The Poorhouses (pg. 156)
A libel begotten of prejudice, proved by the marriages of nearly 200 couples of "Holy Trinitarians" at Hollington instead of at Hastings (pg. 149)
Names of persons thus married between 1822 and 1834 (pg. 149)
An old view of Hollington Church (pg. 151)
Memoir of Mr. Henry Chandler (pg. 152)
Work at the “Amsterdam" (pg. 152)
Celebrating the Queen's 18th birthday (pg. 152)
From whom her Majesty is descended (pg. 153)
Assistant-overship rivalry (pg. 154)
Everest's defalcations
Arrival and sojourn of Queen Adelaide (pg. 155)
St.Leonards and Sedlescombe new road (pg. 157)
Cubitt's new harbour plan and estimate (pg. 157)
Troup versus the Post Office and defeat of the former (pg. 157)
Chapter Eighteen: Hastings 1837 Page 161
The Priory Stream the Commissioners' western limit (pg. 162)
The town's liabilities £1,650 and Income £1,000 (pg. 162)
Additional polling places (pg. 162)
Warm debate on the Charities (pg. 162)
Misapplied bequests at Guestling and Icklesham (pg. 162)
Criticisms on Mr. North's political conduct (pg. 164)
Mr. Holland's political address and general liberality. Banquet and oratory of the Loyal Constitution Association (pg. 164)
An opposition Liberal Association (pg. 170)
The West Hill path dispute (with view of the hill, castle and windmills) (pg. 170)
Mr. Brisco turned back (pg. 170)
Memoirs and eccentrics of the Rev. W. Whistler (pg. 171)
Amusing anecdotes (pg. 171)
Elphinstone's retirement & North's withdrawals (pg. 173)
Election of Planta and Holland (pg. 174)
Heavy election bills (pg. 175)
The political position in 1837 (pg. 175)
Numerous commercial failures (pg. 175)
Selling of Poorhouses (pg. 175)
Mrs. Milward's character misunderstood (pg. 176)
Church-rates contention (pg. 176)
The Rev. Safferey's conduct (pg. 176)
Municipal elections (pg. 176)
Rivalry of the Commissioners and Town Council (pg. 177)
The waste beach sales and contentions (from 1596 to recent times) (pg. 178)
Election of W. Duke as Mayor (pg. 184)
The gaol question. (pg. 184)
Female smugglers (pg. 184)
Death of William Woods (the emigrant son of the Postmaster) (pg. 185)
Mr. Sutherland Graeme's political letter (pg. 185)
Mr. Powell and his library (pg. 186)
Fatal accidents by fire (pg. 188)
Sudden death of Mr. Arthur Deudney, and reference to his brothers and sisters, fourteen in number (pg. 189)
Memoirs of Pearce Egan (pg. 189)
Three artists at Hastings Prout, Hunt and Varley) (pg. 189)
The effects of groynes complained of (pg. 190)
The Town Crier's fees (pg. 190)
A view of the West Hill before the excavation of the Castle ruins. (pg. 170)
Chapter Nineteen: St. Leonards 1838 Page 191
A trying winter (pg. 191)
Great fires (pg. 191)
Much distress (pg. 191)
Coronation festivities (pg. 191)
Extension of the parade (pg. 191)
Serious breach by the sea and doleful report of the Commissioners' committee (pg. 191)
Bondholders appealed to (pg. 191)
Money not to be had (pg. 191)
The Battle and Sedlescombe roads impeded {{BLnk|2|19|St. Leonards 1838|192}
Abortive attempt to obtain a new lighting and paving Act (pg. 192)
Burials and extraordinary longevity at Bexhill, and instances of equally long life at Hastings and St.Leonards (pg. 193)
Musical dirge on a tombstone (pg. 195)
"Intercepted letters" from L.E.L. (pg. 195)
Nuptial rejoicings (pg. 196)
Grand Archery meeting (pg. 196)
Racing matches – perilous position of Lady Hampson and party (pg. 196)
Flimwell and Hollington Turnpike trusts £40,000 in dept (pg. 196)
Delimitation of boundaries at the Priory Bridge (pg. 196)
Proposition to reduce the policemen from 13 to 9 (pg. 197).
Chapter Twenty: Hastings 1838 Page 199
Seasonable festivities of balls, dinners etc. (pg. 199)
Coronation celebrations (pg. 200)
The harbour scheme (pg. 201)
Poverty and crime (pg. 201)
the bad fellow "Goodfellow" (pg. 202)
Smuggling fatalities (pg. 202)
Dr. Fearon’s sermon on law-breaking propensities (pg. 202)
Ore church and Rectory (with view) (pg. 203)
Halton Church and Rev. J. Parkin (with portrait) (pg. 203)
The soldiers' burying-ground, and "meditation among the tombs" (pg. 203)
St. Andrews Church and burials without Christian rites (pg. 204)
Bereavements in the Daniel family (pg. 204)
The new chapel in Wellington square (pg. 205)
Anecdotes of ministers (pg. 205)
Death memorials (Mr. Bissenden, Mr. Giles, Miss Mary Sayers) (pg. 205)
The Fortune of War and the supposed tub-hole (pg. 205)
The Literary Institution (pg. 206)
Mr. Holland, M.P. (with portrait) (pg. 206)
Mr. Sutherland Graeme's political-address (pg. 206)
Morley versus Harman (pg. 207)
Transactions of the Board of Guardians, the Hastings Commissioners and the Town Council (pg. 207)
Sir Cloudesly Shovel (arguments for Hastings as his birthplace) (pg. 209)
Chapter Twenty-one: St.Leonards 1839 Page 210
The St.Leonards Commissioners (pg. 210)
The projected railways (pg. 210)
Purchase of a fire-engine (pg. 210)
Change of incumbents of the church (pg. 211)
Nuisances forbidden (pg. 211)
Rate-defaulters to be summoned (pg. 211)
Starting meeting of turnpike trusts (pg. 211)
Opening of St. Leonards and Sedlescombe road from Silverhill to Cripp's Corner (pg. 211)
Eversfield Estate to repair the damaged sea-walls (pg. 212)
Five days destructive storms (pg. 212)
Injury and loss to the present writer (pg. 213)
There is an emigrant ship (with view of the departure) (pg. 212)
The Union Workhouse and its advertisements (pg. 213)
The irrepressible Mr. Troup (pg. 214)
the railway company and the overseers (pg. 214)
An address to the Queen (pg. 214)
Grand Archery meeting (pg. 214)
Attempt to rob a toll-gate house (pg. 214)
Accident to sawyer Brett (pg. 215)
Pedestrianisms extraordinary (pg. 215)
Interments during 1839 (pg. 215)
Chapter Twenty two: Hastings 1839 Page 216
Preparations in Hastings for important postal charges and a general review of post-office conditions from 1815. (pg. 216)
Other means of communication when the population was rising from less that 4,000 to 31,000 (pg. 216)
Commerce and fashion moving westward (pg. 216)
Numbering of houses (pg. 216)
Extraordinary meteorological conditions (pg. 216)
Work in the Hastings post-office, 19 hours a day, Sundays not excepted (pg. 217)
Marvelous details of the old system (pg. 217)
Anomalies and incongruities (pg. 217)
Upstart letter (pg. 218)
Callers rebuked by "an infernal booby" (pg. 218)
Amusing incidents (pg. 218)
Frequent discoveries of money in the letter-box (pg. 218)
Secret writing in newspapers (pg. 219)
Postage of letters from 1d to 5/- (pg. 219)
Clandestine correspondence (pg. 219)
Tips to mailguards (pg. 219)
"The Ghost of the Old Commission" (pg. 219)
History of the General Post-office (pg. 220)
The great storm of a stormy year (pg. 220)
Maritime disasters (pg. 220)
Shipbuilding industry (pg. 220)
Fancy Fair and other movements for the Infirmary (pg. 221)
Lardner's lecture on the locomotive engine (pg. 221)
The Mechanic's Institution (pg. 221)
The Union Workhouse[a]
The East-hill amusements and murderous attempt by a coastguard (pg. 221)
A marvellous feat (pg. 221)
Removal of the Priory Bridge (pg. 221)
Deaths of Thomas and Boykett Breeds (pg. 222)
Poetic Adieus of Euthymus, and view of Hastings from Fairlight (pg. 222)
Marriage of Mr. Milward (pg. 216)
The blind letter-carrier (pg. 223)
Cricket on Sundays, The Fire King, etc. (pg. 223)
Chapter Twenty three: St. Leonards 1840 Page 225
Coincident establishment of the Penny Post and a business in St.Leonards (pg. 225)
Purchase of a fire-engine (pg. 225)
Transactions of the Commissioners (pg. 225)
Economic arrangements (pg. 225)
Great influx of nobility (pg. 225)
Further gambols of "Old Davy" (pg. 225)
Wreck of the "Auguste" (pg. 225)
Fire at the Allegria (pg. 225)
Mr. Hollond's marriage (pg. 225)
Celebration of the Queen's marriage (pg. 226)
Archery meetings (pg. 226)
Dr. Lardner at St.Leonards, and ordered to pay £8,000 for the seduction of Mrs. Heaviside (pg. 226)
Major Jeffries and the Board of Guardians (pg. 226)
Frustrated attempt of Government officials to divert the road between the two towns (pg. 226)
Again the Priory squabbles (pg. 226)
Col. Williams abused and challenged to a duel (pg. 226)
The Ellsworth charity (pg. 227)
Contentions over the Infirmary Site (pg. 227)
Cooter's performances (pg. 225)
Discovery of Roman coins
The first Cricket club
A story of Verulam Place ("truth stranger than fiction") (pg. 230)
Condition of the via media and promise of improvements by the Eversfield Trustees (pg. 230)
Parochial officers 1828 to 1840 (pg. 230)
Parsimony. (pg. 230)
Deaths in 1840 (pg. 231)
Some marriages (pg. 231).
N.B. Some of the contents listed above do not appear in Brett's texts and thus are not numbered. They are included here for reference.
Document Scan
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References & Notes
- ↑ Brett includes this in his contents but there is no corresponding record of the workhouse in this chapter
- ↑ An explanation of old currency and coinage may be found at the following website Pre-decimal currency, accessdate: 16 June 2022
- ↑ An explanation of old currency and coinage may be found at the following website Pre-decimal currency, accessdate: 16 June 2022