Harry Jepson

From Historical Hastings

Harry Jepson 
Harry Alfred Jepson.jpg
Born1 December 1849
Died10 June 1925
Spouse(s)Hephzibah Woolgar (1846-1922)

Coming to Hastings from Towcester where he was born via London, Harry Jepson was the founder of H. A. Jepson Ltd., the well known toy and stationers in Robertson Street. In addition to running the business, Harry was an enthusiastic member of the congregation of the Robertson Street Congregational Church from the mid-1850s onwards. Following his marriage during the summer of 1877, he was recorded as living at 72 Norman Road[1].

In 1899, Harry is recorded as living at Winwick, 20 St Helens Crescent[2]. He died at the Buchanan Hospital on the 10th of June 1925 and left an estate valued at £13,339 6s. 1d.[3]

References & Notes

  1. Census Return 1881
  2. 1899 Kelly's Directory
  3. Probate Calendar 1925