Research Sources
Useful Books[edit]
- A Concise Historical & Topographical Sketch Of Hastings, Winchelsea, & Rye, Including Several Other Places In The Vicinity Of Those Ancient Towns (Frederick W. L. Stockdale, published 1817) East Sussex County Council Archive The Keep LIB/503835 ESCC Library
- Fishermen Of Hastings (S. Peak) ISBN: 0951070606
- Hastings A Living History (D. Thornton) ISBN: 9780951220108
- Hastings A Pictorial History (D. Robert Elleray) ISBN: 0850333245
- A Guide to Hastings & St Leonards (Thomas Ross 1835) Google Books
- Powell's Hastings and St. Leonards Guide
- Historic Hastings - the eponymous book of Hastings' history.
- Hastings Old Town Torn Apart (R. Pollard) ISBN: 9780956936615
- Hurrah for Hastings (L. Scrivens) ISBN: 1857703499
- Old Town Hastings (J. Meredith ISBN: 9780951148600
- The Victoria History of the county of Sussex ISBN: 9780712905909
- The Hastings Guide (J. Stell 1794) ESCC Library
- The Hastings Guide or a Description of the Ancient Town and Port (James Barry 1797) ESCC Library
- Hastings of Bygone days and the Present (Henry Cousins 1911 ed.) ISBN: 9789332862449 ESCC Library Google Books " Amazon
- A Guide to Hastings & St Leonards (Thomas Ross 1835) Google Books
- Square Toes and Formal (Christopher Langdon) Google Books
- Hastings Local History Group
- UK Free Census (some gaps in coverage)
- British Newspaper Archive (subscription required)
- 1066 Online has an old photographic archive and forum
- Hastings History - a who, what where and when of Hastings run by Steve Peak
- Sea Road Arts - Run by David Dennis
- Hastings Press - run by Helena Wojtczak
References & Other Works[edit]
150 years of the Fishermen’s Church (1854-2004), by Dennis Collins. Old Hastings Preservation Society, 2004.
A Brief history of Hastings. By John F C Powys. East Sussex County Library, 1981. ISBN: 0861470281.
A Church on No Man’s Land: being the romance of Holy Trinity, Hastings. By E W Leachman. King Bros and Potts, 1934.
A Geological sketch of the vicinity of Hastings. By William Henry Fitton. Longman, 1833.
A History and description of the Bohemia Estate. By J F Wilbraham and C K Wiper. Hastings Grammar School Historical Society, 1971.
A History of Hastings. By R A Smyth. William Parker School, 1988.
A History of Hollington Methodist Church, 1887-1987.
A History of the ‘Church-in-the-Wood’, Hollington, Sussex. By F W B Bullock. Budd and Gillatt, 1949.
A History of ‘The Church-in-the-Wood’ in the parish of St Leonard, Hollington. By Paul Matthews. 2001.
A History of the parish church of St Helen, Ore, Sussex. By F W B Bullock. Budd and Gillatt, 1951.
An Account of the Hastings, St Leonards and East Sussex Hospital, and its work. By W H M [W H Mullens]. 1910. [15 pages]
An independent chapel: the story of St Lukes in Silverhill 1853-2003. By Alan G Buckle. 2003 Hastings Local History Group.
Around Hastings then and now. By Ken Brooks. Ken Brooks, 2004. 0 9540513 2 7.
A Walk round Burton’s St Leonards. By Michael Barnard. East Sussex County Council, 1977.
A Walk through Ore Valley. Compiled by the Ore Valley History Group. 2005. [32 pages]
Bristow and the Hastings Rarities affair. By James M Harrison. A H Butler Ltd, 1968. ISBN: 0950010006.
Bulverhythe: unpublished notes by Revd Marriott from his brown foolscap notebook of lecture notes on Bulverhythe 1950s. Transcribed by John Clements and Rod Lavers. [HAARG?], 1995.
Burton’s St Leonards. By John Manwaring Baines. 2nd edition. Hastings Museum, 1990.
Burton’s St Leonards: the contribution of Decimus Burton. By Barry Funnell. Burtons’ St Leonards Society, 1982. [16 pages]
Bygone weather in Hastings, and Victorian weather instruments,by Alan Buckle & Hastings Local History Group. 2005. ISBN: 0952976676
Central Hastings: the early years. Hastings Modern History Workshop, 1984.
Christ Church, Blacklands, 1881-1981: the centenary history of a later Victorian church. By Richard Ralph. [R Ralph], 1981.
Christ Church, St Leonards-on-Sea, 1859-1935. Compiled by Ruth Kenyon. Budd and Gillatt, 1935.
Christ Church, St Leonards-on-Sea: 1859-1975. Compiled by Barry Funnell. Budd and Gillatt, [1975].
Church manual of Robertson Street Chapel. A manual for the use of the Church and Congregation assembling at Robertson Street Chapel, Hastings. 1868. With which is bound: Year Book for 1875; Year Book for 1876; Year Book for 1877; Year Book for 1878.
Court in the act: crime and policing in WWII Hastings. By Victoria Seymour. Victoria Seymour, 2004. ISBN: 0954390121.
Cricket at Hastings: the story of a ground. By Gerald Brodribb. Spellmount, 1989.
Dramatic story of the Stables Theatre, Hastings. By Tom Sobey. The Stables Trust Ltd, [1978].
“England expected …”: being a brief record of the 23rd Sussex (Hastings) Battalion, Home Guard, 1940 to 1945. By R A H Weight. [Printed by F J Parsons Ltd.] [20 pages]
Fishermen of Hastings: 200 years of the Hastings fishing community. By Steve Peak. NewsBooks, 1985. ISBN: 0951070606.
Geology and fossils of the Hastings area. By Ken Brooks. Ken Brooks, 2001. ISBN: 0954051300.
Geology of the Central Weald: the Hastings Beds. By P Allen. (Geologists’ Association Guides; No 24.) Geologists’ Association, 1960.
Geology of the country around Hastings and Dungeness: memoir for 1:50 000 geological sheets 320 and 321 (England and Wales). By R D Lake and E R Shephard-Thorn. (British Geological Survey. Natural Environment Research Council, 1987. ISBN: 0118844113.
George Woods: photographs from the 1890s. By Irene Rhoden and Steve Peak. Midnight Press, 1987. ISBN: 1853600008
Halton: landscape and community, continuity and change. By Caroline Thomas. 1997. [Research project; looseleaf in a binder.]
Hastings: a backward glance. By Robert Weatherburn. Siren Books, 1992.
Hastings: a history and celebration. By Rex Marchant. Printed by The Francis Frith Collection for Ottakar’s, 2004. ISBN: 1904938310.
Hastings: a living history. By David William Thornton. The Hastings Publishing Company, 1987. ISBN: 0951220101
Hastings and Bexhill. By John Bainbridge. (Francis Frith’s Photographic Memories.) Frith Book Company, 2000. ISBN: 1859371310.
Hastings and men of letters. By Gerald Brodribb. Revised edition. Old Hastings Preservation Society, 1971.
Hastings and St Leonards in the front line. 2nd edition. Hastings and St Leonards Observer 1985. [Originally published: 1945.]
Hastings and St Leonards-on-Sea. By Gavin Haines. (Britain in Old Photographs.) Sutton Publishing, 1997.ISBN: 075091355X.
Hastings: an illustrated miscellany. Produced by The Francis Frith Collection for Ottakar’s, 2004.
Hastings: a pictorial history. By D Robert Elleray. Phillimore, 1979. ISBN: 0850333245.
Hastings: a survey of times past and present. By members of the Hastings Natural History Society and others. Edited by Anthony Belt. Kenneth Saville, 1937.
Hastings at war 1939-1945. By Nathan Dylan Goodwin. Phillimore, 2005. ISBN: 1860773281.
Hastings bygones. Volume 1. Hastings Local History Group, 1998.
Hastings bygones. Volume 2: millennium edition. Hastings Local History Group, 1999.
Hastings bygones. Volume 3. Hastings Local History Group, 2000.
Hastings bygones. Volume 4: millennium edition. Hastings Local History Group, 2001.
Hastings bygones. Volume 5. Hastings Local History Group, 2003.
Hastings. By L F Salzman. (The Story of the English Towns.) SPCK, 1921.
Hastings childhoods. Hastings Modern History Workshop. Centre for Continuing Education, 1987. ISBN: 0904242323.
Hastings. Compiled by Tony Wales. (The Archive Photographs Series.) Chalford Publishing Company, 1998. ISBN: 0752411098
Hastings considered as a resort for invalids. By James Mackness. 2nd edition. John Churchill, 1850.
Hastings Country Park history and archaeology. By Anne Scott. HAARG, 1992.
Hastings Country Park [information booklet]. Urban Design and Research Group, Hastings Borough Council, 1972. [Duplicated typescript on 14 foolscap single-sided pages.]
Hastings Elizabethan Charter. By John Manwaring Baines. Hastings Museum, 1962.
Hastings in 1605. By John Manwaring Baines. Hastings Museum, 1971.
Hastings in old photographs: a second selection. By Pamela Haines. Alan Sutton, 1991. ISBN: 0862998638.
Hastings in old photographs. By Pamela Haines. Alan Sutton, 1989. ISBN: 086299621X.
Hastings in old picture postcards. By Anne Scott. European Library, 1993. ISBN: 9028855823.
Hastings in peace and war, 1930-1945. By Mary Haskell Porter. Ferndale Press, 2002. ISBN: 1870096061.
Hastings in Saxon and Norman times. By W H Dyer. [1968.]
Hastings Jack in the Green, by Keith Leech. 1989.
Hastings: of bygone days, and the present. By Henry Cousins. F J Parsons, 1911 [actually 1912].
Hastings past. By Rex Marchant. Phillimore, 1997. ISBN: 1860770460.
Hastings revisited. By Susan E King. (Images of England.) Tempus Publishing, 2005. ISBN: 0752435434
Hastings then and now. By Ken Brooks. 2nd edition. S.B. Publications, 2004. ISBN: 0954051319.
Hastings Tramways. By Robert J Harley. Middleton Press, 1993. ISBN: 1873793189.
Hastings trolleybuses. By Lyndon W Rowe. (Trolleybus Classics; No 3.) Middleton Press, 1996. ISBN: 1873793812.
Hastings voices. 2nd edition. Hastings Local History Group, 2002. ISBN: 0952976641.
Heroes, villains and others from Hastings. By Mary Haskell Porter. Ferndale Press, 1999. ISBN: 1870096037.
Historic Hastings. By John Manwaring Baines. 3rd edition. Cinque Port Press, 1986. ISBN: 0948869003
History of Hastings Castle. By Charles Dawson. 2 volumes. Constable, 1909.
History of the church and parish of Christ Church, Blacklands, 1878-1928. [By James Morgan.] [24 pages]
Hollington chronology. Compiled by C Stonestreet. 1993. [Photocopied typescript. Mostly a selection of entries relevant to Hollington taken from Hastings Library’s Chronology of Hastings and St Leonards.]
Hollington, the village: past and present. Revised edition. Hastings Local History Group, 2003.
How the railways came to Hastings. Hastings Area Local Studies Project. Centre for Continuing Education, 1984. 0 904242 25 0.
Letters to Hannah: WWII recollections of Hastings and South East England. By Victoria Seymour. Victoria Seymour, 2003. 0 9543901 1 3.
Life’s rich tapestry: profiles of Hastings residents. Stirling Press, 1998. 1 902211 00 6.
Make a model of the famous Hastings fishermen’s net shops and learn about their unique history. Hastings Trust, 1991. 0 9514094 41.
Monumental inscriptions, Wallinger’s Walk, Hastings: the cemetery of St Mary-in-the-Castle 1828-1900. By James C Rose. Hastings Trust, 2002. 0 9514094 6 8.
More heroes, villains and others from Hastings. By Mary Haskell Porter. Ferndale Press, 2000. 1 870096 04 5.
Notables and innkeepers etc of Hastings. Compiled by George Plaine. Hastings and Rother Family History Society, 1989.
Notable women of Victorian Hastings: a collection of mini-biographies. By Helena Wojtczak. The Hastings Press, [2002].
Old Town Hastings: a pictorial guide. By James Meredith. Meredith Press, 1986. 0 9511486 0 5.
On the curative influence of the southern coast of England, especially that of Hastings. By William Harwood. Henry Colburn, 1828.
Priory Meadow and the town centre. Hastings Modern History Workshop, 1997. 0 9529766 1 7.
Queen's Road, Hastings in 1929, as recalled, in 1991, by G D Coleman, in collaboration with Mrs V V Coleman. G D Coleman, 1991.
Reminiscences of Smugglers and Smuggling John Banks
Researcher’s companion to Charles Dawson’s History of Hastings Castle, 1909, in two volumes. By Rod Lavers and John Clements. [HAARG?], 1996.
Ring 50, 1940-1990: fifty years of boxing in Hastings. By Dave Harris. 1990.
Robertson Street Congregational Church, Hastings: Jubilee Year, 1906. [By Charles New?]
Some past greats of local soccer: Hastings football in its palmy days: from my scrapbook and my memories. Compiled by Harry Veness. [1983?] [Reproduced typescript.]
South-east coast town, 1938-1943. By John W Sims. [Single-sided photocopies of typescript.]
So you think you know? Hastings. Produced by The Francis Frith Collection for Ottakar’s, 2004.
St Andrews Square area study: a feasibility study commissioned by the St Andrews Residents Association from Adams Johns Kennard, architects and surveyors, for environmental improvements to the St Andrews Square area. St Andrews Residents Association; Neighbourhood Revitalisation Services; Adams Johns Kennard, 1989.
St. Helen’s Hospital, Hastings (1837-1994): paupers to pacemakers. Rosewell Publishing, 2000.
St Leonards Baptist Church 1880-1980. Compiled by Kenneth N Kirby. 1980.
St Michael’s Place, Hastings: information pertaining to St Michaels Place Hastings, from street directory information (1871-1974) electors rolls (1975-1992) and Historic Hastings by John Manwaring Baines. [1992?] [Single-sided photocopies of typescript; in strip binder.]
Sussex, Hastings and the Irish. By Sean Byrne. 1985. [photocopy of a typescript, unpublished]
Tales from around the Wishing Tree: memories from Hollington, Four Courts, Robsack and Tilekiln. Edited by Eileen Parish and others. Centre for Continuing Education, 2000.
That’s all folks! the cinemas of Hastings and St Leonards. By Nick Prince. Mercia Cinema Society, 1996. ISBN: 0946406405
The Albert Memorial: an illustrated history. 2nd edition. Hastings Local History Group, 2004. ISBN: 0952976668.
The America Ground. By Barry Funnell. 2nd edition. HAARG, 1999.
The Antiquities of Hastings and the battlefield. By Thomas Holwell Cole. New edition. Hastings and St Leonards Philosophical Society, 1884.
The Archaeology and history of Hastings Country Park. By David Padgham. HAARG, 2004.
The Buchanan Hospital, St Leonards-on-Sea. [1936?] [40 pages]
[The Cresy Report.] Report to the General Board of Health on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, drainage, and supply of water, and the sanitary condition of the inhabitants of the town and port of Hastings, in the county of Sussex. By Edward Cresy. 1850. [Bound with spine title: Inquiry into sewerage etc of Hastings.]
The Fishing boats of Hastings. By James Hornell. (Reprinted from the Sussex County Magazine, Vol XI, November and December, 1937.) [12 pages]
The Fishing luggers of Hastings. By James Hornell. (Reprinted from The Mariner’s Mirror, Vol XXIV, No 3, July 1938.) Society for Nautical Research, 1974.
The Geology of the Eastbourne-Hastings coastline. By H B Milner and A J Bull. Geologists’ Association, 1925.
The Hastings papers: a history of the Hastings and St Leonards newspapers, by Steve Peak. SpeaksBooks, 2007.
The Hastings traditional Jack in the Green, by Keith Leech. Hastings Borough Council, 2008. 0901536105
The Hastings Tramways Company 1899-1959: an illustrated social history. By Cliff Mewett. Cliff Mewett Publications, 1999. ISBN: 0953477819.
The Highlands of Hastings and St Leonards as a health resort, with notes on the chalybeate water of St Andrew’s Spa. By Francis H Parsons. 1877.
The History and antiquities of the town and port of Hastings. By W G Moss. W G Moss, 1824.
The History of Hastings Grammar School, 1619-1966. By John Manwaring Baines, J R Conisbee and N Bygate. Revised edition. Governors of the Hastings Grammar School Foundation, 1967.
The History of the Hertfordshire Sea-side Convalescent Home at St Leonards-on-Sea. By Gordon M Frizelle. [1964].
The Mariner’s Mirror. Vol 58, No 1, February 1972. [Includes article: The Wreck of the Dutch East Indiaman ‘Amsterdam’. By Dr. Peter Marsden D. Phil. Pages 5-26.]
The Medical History of Hastings. By C Allan Birch. 1980. [Typescript.]
The Memorial: in memoriam, 1862-1973. Hastings Area Local Studies Project, 1983.
The Millennium in miniature: stories of the Old Town, Hastings. Hastings Old Town Millennium Group, 1999. ISBN: 0953696200.
The Oldest house in High Street, Hastings: 103 (circa 1450). By Marrion Wells. Arion Presentations, 2000.
The Old Town, Hastings: a report on its conservation and development. By Lord Holford and R A Haskell. William Holford and Partners, 1966.
The Parish Church of St Leonard, 1831-1931. Printed by A H Butler Ltd. [Centenary Calendar.]
The Roman bath house at Beauport Park. By Gerald Brodribb. Friends of Roman East Sussex, 1995. [24 pages]
The Story of Christ Church, St Leonards-on-Sea. By Henrietta Catherine Nicoll; edited by A Clifton Kelway. C Whittaker, Royal Victoria Library, 1909.
The Story of Hastings Castle. By W H Dyer. Hastings Tourism and Recreation Department, [1979?].
The Story of Hastings Pier. By Gaby Koppel and Mike Baron. Hastings Pier Company, 1982. [15 pages]
The Story of Robertson Street Congregational Church, Hastings, 1858-1958. By Charles A Haig. [1958]
The Story of Silverhill and St Luke’s: our heritage. By Elizabeth Montgomery. Aldria Printers, [1978].
The Story of the Hastings lifeboats. By Jeff Morris. Jeff Morris, 2000.
The Story of the parish church, St Leonards-on-Sea: centenary 1834-1934. By Cuthbert C Griffiths. 1934
The Tanfrocks: a record of the Rock-a-Nore Football Club, Old Town, Hastings, Sussex: 1894-1954. Compiled by Harry Veness. 1979. [Reproduced typescript.]
The Toss of a coin, parts one and two: childhood memories of 1909 to 1927. By Eileen Roberts. [Acquired by Hastings Library in 1987.] [Photocopies of typescript.]
The Work of James and Decimus Burton at St Leonards. By Nigel Mark Wade. 1988. [Dissertation for the University of Reading. Photocopies, looseleaf in binder.]
The Wreck of the Amsterdam. By Dr. Peter Marsden D. Phil. 2nd edition. Hutchinson, 1985. ISBN: 0091608112.
The Wreck of the Amsterdam. By Dr. Peter Marsden D. Phil. Hutchinson, 1974. ISBN: 009119850X.
Those were the days: the residents of Old Hastings House. Hastings Local History Group and ‘Old Hastings House’, 2003. ISBN: 095297665X.
Titus Oates lived here, and tales of old Hastings. By A Donovan Young. Bookscoops, 1958.
Turner to Burra: painters of Hastings 1780-1950. Hastings Museum and Art Gallery, 1991. ISBN: 0951826204
Waldegrave Testimonial Drinking Fountain: list of subscribers, with copies of inscriptions and names of the Committee, etc, 1862.
West St Leonards: a walk back in time. (West Marina Society History Group.) 1994.
West St Leonards: a walk back in time. West Marina Society History Group, [1994?]. [24 pages]
Whatever happened to the Oojah Kappivvy: a stroll down memory lane in the Old Town, Hastings. By Harry Veness. Harry Veness, [1986].
Willie Wobbler’s Walk. By Harry Veness. [1980s?] [Single-sided photocopies of typescript; in spring-back binder.]
Women of Victorian Hastings, 1830-1870: their lives and occupations. By Helena Wojtczak. Hastings Press, 2002. ISBN: 1904109020.