Clive Vale Farm

From Historical Hastings

This farm was situated near the top of the Bourne valley, extending across as far as Harold Road and was developed into housing circa 1870.

Known Field Names[edit]

Gate Field, Marle Field, Barn Field, Upper Pindars and Upper Pindars Shaw

On the 5th of February, 1866, the British Land Company Limited gave notice to the Hastings Local Board of Health of the diversion and stopping up footpaths over the Clive Vale Farm, All Saints Hastings as follows:-

(1) footpath (A-G) from the south side of the Old London Road and the Hastings turnpike from nearly opposite Clarence Terrace over their lands called Gate Field, Marle Field, Barn Field, Upper Pindars and Upper Pindars Shaw and thence over lands of Countess Waldegrave; (2) footpath (H-C) in continuation of the path leading from the south side of the London and Hastings turnpike, on the east side of an old barn called the 'Theatre', near the Hare and Hounds (H-J) over the Marle Field to and forms a junction with the first footpath at point B and thence to point C; (3) footpath commencing at point H via J and O over Gate Field to point L where it forms a junction with a footpath which leads over the lands of Miss Sayer to Hastings; the Company have laid out new ​road​s called Alfred Road and Canute Road and a new footpath (H, I, K, C, E), they propose to divert part of footpath 1 between A-E, footpath 2 between H-I and footpath 3 between J-L

It is possible that the 'Theatre' barn referred to above could be the location of the first theatre located near to the Hare and Hounds Inn.

References & Notes