
From Historical Hastings

Prior to 1857, the town had a lifeboat of sorts, the Ariel which was nominated as a lifeboat but it is debatable as to whether it was actually utilised as such, Brett describing it as a somewhat frail vessel. In 1857 a committee was formed as proposed by the Rev. W. W. Hume, Capt. Parish, Alfred Burton, Esq. and R. Cooper Gardiner, Esq to petition the Council for construction of a Lifeboat House and organising funding for the construction of such. A branch of the Royal Humane Society was set up and Council agreement gained to fund the coxwain's salary and that of wages for the men to undertake quarterly training sessions. Following a meeting with the Inspector of Lifeboats who stated that provision of a lifeboat could be made through their auspices, the funding for the maintenance of this would have to be voluntary and independent of any other societies; this was agreed to, and Hastings gained its first lifeboat as we now know them[1].


From To Name Vessel Notes
1859 Morfee Morfee replaced a previous Coxswain who resigned as a result of a dispute over training in rough seas[2].
1903 1929 John W. Plummer Charles Arkcoll II Mr. Plummer assisted in the rescue of 13 souls from The Broderick when she was torpedoed during WW1
1929 1939 William Curtis To 1931: - Charles Arkcoll II
Post 1931: - Cyril and Lilian Bishop
1939 1940 George Moon Cyril and Lilian Bishop She assisted under his command in the rescue of troops from Dunkirk in WW2
1940 1943 William Curtis Cyril and Lilian Bishop
1943 1943 John Muggridge Cyril and Lilian Bishop
1943 1951 Ned Adams To 1950: - Cyril and Lilian Bishop
1951 1961 William Muggridge
1961 1971 Frank Harry Edmunds
1971 1987 Joe Martin
1987 1992 Fred White
1992 2002 Charlie Sharrod
2002 2008 Martin Phillips
2008 Steve Warne



References & Notes

  1. Brett Manuscript Histories Vol. 6 Chap. 57
  2. Brett Manuscript Histories Vol. 7 Chap. 62 Pg. 162
  3. Hastings Lifeboat Station information board

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