Woodhams, Son and Parks

From Historical Hastings

The estate agency partnership of Woodhams, Son and Parks was commenced in January of 1901; the announcement being published in the Hastings & St Leonards Observer as follows[1];

“Havelock Road, Hastings.

December 31st, 1900.


Owing to increase of business I am taking into partnership Mr. Walter Parks P.A.S.I., of Sidley, Bexhill, who was articled to me in 1898, and has remained with me ever since, except for a period of about two years, during which time he was with a well-known and influential firm of Agricultural Valuers and Auctioneers in Lincolnshire.

The business will be carried on as and from the 1st of January, 1901, under the style of, “Woodhams, Son, and Parks.”

Mr. Walter Parks is well-known to most of my Clients, and I trust that in taking him as a partner I shall be studying their interests, and that the cordial support which I have received since 1874 may be accorded to us in the future.

I take the opportunity of thanking you for past confidence, which I hope may be continued with the new firm, and beg to remain,

Yours obediently, JAS. WOODHAMS.“

The business had offices at 51 Havelock Road and Stonehouse Farm and was wound up by the 1st of January 1916, James Woodham and his son, Percy trading as James Woodham & Son from 27 High Street, Battle[2].


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