The Cupola

From Historical Hastings
General information
AddressBelmont Road
Postal CodeTN35 5NR
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Admin. Information
Electoral/Planning WardOLD HASTINGS Pre May 2018
Prop. Ref. No.100060027710

Originally the building had a stable block in the grounds which was converted into a dwelling in the late 1960s[1] and demolished during 2000[2]. Two separate plans[3][4] were submitted to construct three dwellings in the grounds during 2007/8 but both were refused.


References & Notes

  1. Hastings Borough Council Planning application ref HS/68/00063
  2. Hastings Borough Council Planning application ref HS/LB/00/00718
  3. Hastings Borough Council Planning application ref HS/FA/08/00243
  4. Hastings Borough Council Planning application ref HS/FA/07/00627