
From Historical Hastings

A nightclub situated at the end of George Street. The club opened as 'Aquarius' in 1971[1] on the site of the Olympia Dance Hall, and hosted a large number of guest appearances, including the following during 1972[2] Middle Of The Road, Hot Chocolate, Johnny Johnson And The Band Wagon, The Elgins, Johnny Nash, Bay City Rollers, Chicory Tip, Ashton Gardner & Dyke, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich, Edwin Starr, Picketty Witch, Mary Johnson, Gino Washington & The Ram Jam. Ben E King, Percy Sledge, Donny Albert, Mary Wells, The Boston International (Gary Glitters Backing Group), Gary Glitter.

A semi-complete list of performances at Aquarius.

In 1975, the club rebranded as Saturdays with a well attended opening party.

Redevelopment Plans[edit]

In 2021, plans were submitted to convert the building into 20 flats - the works entailing demolishing the existing building and amusement arcade which was on the ground floor and rebuilding with an extra two storeys[3]. These plans were stalled when the building was gutted by a major fire on the evening of the 18th of January 2023[4].


References & Notes