
From Historical Hastings

This list of of known ancestors expressed with ahnentafel numbers is provided for efficiency reasons. They should be refreshed periodically, but not constantly or page saves will take a great deal of time and will place unnecessary load on the server.

    • String= Hack delimiter because many-valued properties use comma as separator, which is not a reliable separator because we have them in names eg Clovis I,... . It can't be changed apparently, and so we make up our own record delimiter '→' so arraymap can chop them reliably
    • Page= Article of ancestor
    • Number= Ahnentafel number showing relationship (for instance 4= father's father, 5= paternal grandmother, 6=maternal grandfather... 11= paternal grandmother's mother ) Formula is 2X the number of the child in the previous generation, +1 if mother. See ahnentafel article for further details.
For assistance querying these values, see the article on Help:Many-valued properties.