Palm Tree House

From Historical Hastings

No values specified.

Palm Tree House

Baines in "History of Hastings Houses and Properties"refers to a mention of this property as having grown a date palm in the grounds in 1581, which, whilst not impossible was unlikely. He goes on to suggest that the name may be a corruption of an earlier term, such as "parmentarius", a tailor[1] Baines puts the property as situated close to St Clements Church, the church house now appearing to be on the site. It would appear that the property was derelict in the late 16th century, so it is possible no trace remains.

A town record states

1581 Jan 16 Special commission re concealed lands at Hastings
"Item they doe fynde and lykewyse presente one lytle gardeyn plott lyeing and ajoyninge to the Palmtree Howse nowe in the occupacion of one Thomas Lasher which gardeyn plott ys and doth belong to her Matie for the which the sayd Tho: Lasher payeth rente yearlye viij.d (as he sayth) By what means they saye they knowe not; which gardeyn hath byne in his occupacion the space of fyve years of which tyme he hath payde rente three years to one Bartholomewe Garawaye, so remeyneth unpayd the rente for two years as he hath enformyd us and also doth belonge to the sayd Palmtre howse......
Item they say that whereas in the former presentment they did suppose that xvli would repayre the Palmtre Howse at that tyme, nowe they do present and saye that the sayd howse is so ruynous and sore decayed that they suppose it to be unrepayrablel and they value the slate, stone,tymber and other stuff of the said howse to be worth vxli xiijs iiijd or ther aboutes...."

References & Notes

  1. Histories of Hastings' Houses and Properties in three volumes: J. Manwaring Baines - Hastings Museum and Art Gallery