Kelly's 1899 Directory of Sussex
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Kelly's Directory[edit]
With New Map
Kelly's Directories Limited,
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This is the Fifth Edition of the Directory of the Counties of Kent, Surrey and Sussex in its present form.
Its contents are similar to those issued previously, viz. :-.A general account of each County, with Lists of the Hundreds and Poor Law Unions ; the Places in each County alphabetically arranged, with their Inhabitants (both Private Residents and Tradesmen), and with their Hundreds, Unions, and County Court Districts and Divisions of the County (as formed under the provisions of the " Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885 "), as also their Dioceses, Archdeaconries and Rural Deaneries. The College and University of every Beneficed Clergyman hav~ been given, as far as they could be ascertained ; the names of the Parish Clerks under each. Parish ; and lists of Farm Bailiffs of Gentlemen farming their own land.
The COUNTY COUNCILS, created under the "Local Government Act, 1888," have been given, with the names and addresses of the members, and any necessary alterations under the "Local Government Act, 1894," have been made.
A colored(sic) Map* of each County on a large scale and Indices referring to all places and persons mentioned in the Topographies are prefixed. The Proprietors have again to return their thanks to those Clergymen, Magistrates' Clerks, Registrars, and other gentlemen who have assisted their Agents while collecting the information.
The Letters S.O. and R.S,O. in various parts of the book are abbreviations adopted by H.M. Post Office to represent Sub-Office and Railway Sub-Office; and if they be added, with the names of Counties, to the addresses of letters in lieu of the Post Towns, the delivery of sunch letters will be accelerated.
182, 183 & 184 HIGH HOLBORN,
March, 1899.
The Maps are sold separately at the following prices :-
Plain Sheet ... 2s. Od. | On Roller ... 4s. Od. | In Case ... 5s. Od,
HYTHE BOROUGH, KENT. Sir Edward Albert Sassoon, Bart., D.L., elected M.P.
(March 1) in place of Lt.-Gen. Sir J. Bevan Ed wards, K.C.M.G., resigned.
Pages 1 to 376 are omitted from this transcription, them not being connected with Hastings
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HASTINGS, the chief of the Cinque Ports, is a popular seaside resort, municipal, parliamentary and county borough, market and union town and head of a petty 5essional division and county court district, with a railway station, and is near the eastern extremity of Sussex, being the chief town of the county, rural deanery of Hastings (first division), archdeaconry of Lewes and diocese of Chichester, situated in 50o 34' N. lat. and 0o 37' E. long and distant from London about 63 miles by road and 74 by railway, through Lewes, by the London, Brighton and South Coast railway, but only 60 by the line through Sevenoaks by the South Eastern railway, both lines coming to the same station; and it is 24 miles east from Brighton, 17½ north-east from Eastbourne, 26½ east from Lewes, 28 south-east from Tunbridge Wells and 26½ south-west from Ashford. Of the authentic history of Hastings prior to the 11th century, little is known and this more or less conjecturally. The Roman remains on East Hill seems to indicate it as the probable site of a Roman station; and some authors contend that the castle was originally a Roman fortress, repaired by the Conqueror; however that may be, it seems certain that Hastings can lay claim. to a considerable antiquity, for in A.D. 792 Hastings and Pevensey, with their marshes, are named as having been given by Berodalbus, one of Offa's chieftains, to the monastery of St. Denis. In the reign of Athelstan, A.D. 924, the place possessed a mint, which it maintained until the time of William Rufus; in 1090 the bishops and nobles assembled at the castle by order of the King, who in 1094 collected here a large army, as did Henry I. in 1101; in the reign of Richard II the town was pillaged and burnt, and after its rebuilding was divided into two parishes.
Hastings, as one of the Cinque Ports, appears to have returned two members to Parliament, or at all events did so from 5 Richard II. (1381); but under the provisions of the "Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885 " (48 & 49 Vict. c. 23), the number was reduced to one. The borough was incorporated by charter of Queen Elizabeth in 1588, and this charter was confirmed by Charles II.; under the "Municipal Corporations Act, 1832" (5 and 6 Wm. IV. c. 76), the Corporation, previously consisting of a bailiff or mayor, and jurats, consisted of a mayor, six aldermen, and eighteen councillors, and for municipal purposes was divided into six wards; in 1897 the Borough was extended by Local Government Board's Provisional Order Confirmation (No. 17, Act, 1897), and now exceeds the parliamentary borough in extent, and is governed by a mayor, 10 aldermen, and 30 councillors, and for municipal purposes is divided into ten wards. The extensions to the borough consist of the remainder of the civil parish of Ore, the whole of St. Matthew ecclesiastical parish and
a part of Hollington civil parish. The borough has a commission of the peace, a. separate court of quarter sessions and a police force. Under the provisions- of the "Local Government Act, 1888," it was declared a county borough for certain purposes.